
November 4, 2008

Passion shows itself in people’s eyes and hand motions.  People talk quieter about things they are passionate about, their expressions become economic and purposeful, and they seem to look past just the surface of your eyes like they are looking for some agreement or acceptance within your brain.

            I bet we are all made to be passionate about something, and I think some of us are made to be passionate about someone.  I’ve been thinking recently about the connectedness of it all, about how life isn’t meant to be fragmented like it is.  The divorce rate in America is pretty high, and I wonder if it isn’t so much because people don’t know how to be married as it is that people don’t know how to live life well.  When we are spending 80 hours at a job we hate I doubt it’s possible to be the husbands we want to be.  When wives stop drawing and creating because housework has to be done, and the kids have to be picked up I doubt they’re really able to feel alive most of the time.

            Do you see what I’m saying? Bitterness can’t be contained in a fragment of life; it will bleed over into everything else and get everything all bloody.  It’s quite a mess probably.  I think we assume we are being selfless and Christ-like when we live in self-denial.  And I think there’s probably some truth there.  But I wonder if maybe people around us would be a little happier if we were being who we were made to be, or doing what we were passionate about doing.  As long as we weren’t jerks about it, I mean.  I think people would like that, I think kids might actually want to be like their parents if their parents weren’t such boring shells.  And maybe if kids wanted to be like their parents they would be more inclined to listen to their parents and respect them.  Maybe spouses wouldn’t leave each other so much.  Maybe people wouldn’t look so bored all the time.

6 Responses to “Continuity”

  1. janessica Says:

    What happens when you can’t? Where do we draw the line between working to survive and working for joy? I already feel like I’m so different from everyone else at work because I don’t work overtime and my evenings aren’t packed with activities, but even this isn’t slow enough for me to experience life the way I want to. I want to do something I’m passionate about, but I don’t know where that fits with working to survive. Hopefully when this job has run its course and fulfilled its purpose, I can have a job that will allow me to do both. That will be sweet.

  2. Josh Tilford Says:

    This was well written Mike. There is something in my life that has felt fragmented for a few years now. I’ve kind of been saying, “I’m doing ‘these things’ now in order to prepare for ‘those things’ I’m passionate about, in the future..”, but I wonder when I’m supposed to draw the line.

    I wish I could draw it now. But the timing doesn’t seem “wise”.

  3. Josh Says:

    Also, what happens when you find what you love but the forces that be keep you from doing it…. damn.

  4. Courtney Says:

    Please write a book now.

    These are good thoughts.

  5. Courtney Says:

    Please write a book now.


  6. Courtney Says:

    Did not mean to send that twice…

    Or maybe I’m just that serious…

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